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Volvo Skid Steer Loader MCT85C Service and Repair Manual​

Model: Volvo MCT85C Skid Steer Loader
Brand: Volvo
Type of Machine: Skid Steer Loader
Type of Manual: Electrical and Hydraulic Diagrams, Service and Repair Manual
Language: English
Format: PDF
Size: 101.11 MB
Number of Pages: 4026 Pages

1 Volvo MCT85C
Battery isolator
Collection of basic data
Description, complete machine
Drive motor, description
Electronic control unit (ECU), description
Explanation of wiring diagrams
Fan reversing valve, description
Fault code list
Fault tracing on hydraulic system
Gear pump, description
Hydraulic contamination
Hydraulic cylinders, description
Hydraulic service procedures
Main control valve, description
Main valve block, description
Operator's platform, lowering
Operator's platform, raising
Road lights, description
Rubber track, description 1
Rubber track, description
Self level valve, description
Service position 1
Throttle control
Transmission circuit, description
Transmission pumps, description
Troubleshooting, general
Windows, general'
Wire and harness identification
Component list, Fuses 1
Component list, Fuses
Component list, Miscellaneous 1
Component list, Miscellaneous
Component list, Motors
Component list, Relays 1
Component list, Relays
Component list, Sensors 1
Component list, Sensors
Component list, Solenoid valves 1
Component list, Solenoid valves
Component list, Switches
Explanations to hydraulic diagram
Hydraulic diagram 1
Hydraulic diagram
Wiring diagram 1
Wiring diagram 1-1
Wiring diagram 2
Wiring diagram 2-1
Wiring diagram 3
Wiring diagram 3-1
Wiring diagram 4
Wiring diagram 4-1
Wiring diagram 5
Wiring diagram 5-1
Wiring diagram 6
Wiring diagram 6-1
Wiring diagram 7
Wiring diagram 7-1
Wiring diagram 8
Wiring diagram 9
Wiring diagram 9-1
Wiring diagram 10
Wiring diagram 10-1
Wiring diagram 11
Wiring diagram 12
Installation Instructions
Air conditioning kit, installing new
Attachment bracket, installation
Auxiliary hydraulic option, installing new
Boom suspension system, installing new
Cab sealing kit, installing new
Cab, installing
CareTrack, installing new
Foot throttle control kit, installing new
FOPS (Falling Object Protecting Structure), installing new
Front screen guard kit, installing new
Lexan(TM) front screen kit, no wiper, installing new
Multi-function joystick kit, installing new
Right hand screen guard kit, installing new
Road lights kit, right hand dip, installing new
Smooth ride system kit, installing new
A few simple safety rules
Air cleaner dust valve, changing 1
Air cleaner dust valve, changing
Air cleaner inner element, changing
Air cleaner inner element, replacing
Air cleaner outer element, changing
Air cleaner outer element, replacing
Air conditioning filters, changing 1
Air conditioning filters, changing
Alternator belt, checking
Alternator, installing
Alternator, removing
Alternator, testing
Attachment bracket cylinder, installing
Attachment bracket cylinder, removing
Battery isolator, checking
Battery, maintenance
Battery, replacing
Before operating
Before service, read
Boom suspension system accumulator, charging
Boom suspension system accumulator, discharging
Cab door, installing'
Cab door, removing
Cab, installing
Cab, removing
Charging batteries
Checklist after a fire or heat exposure
Cleaning of the machine
Compressor belt, checking
Coolant level, checking
Coolant, changing
Coolant, draining
Coolant, filling
Cooling package, installing
Cooling package, removing
Door handle, replacing
Drain line screen filter adapter, replacing
Drive chain case oil level, checking
Drive chain, installing
Drive chain, removing
Drive motor, installing
Drive motor, removing 1
Drive motor, removing
Drive sprocket torque, checking
Drive sprocket, installing
Drive sprocket, removing
Electrical system
Engine air cleaner system integrity, checking
Engine oil filter, replacing 1
Engine oil filter, replacing
Engine oil level, checking
Engine oil, changing
Engine oil, draining
Engine oil, filling
Engine, installing 1
Engine, installing
Engine, removing 1
Engine, removing
Front end accessory drive (FEAD) belt condition, checking
Front end accessory drive (FEAD) belt, adjusting
Front end accessory drive (FEAD) belt, replacing
Front idler wheel, assembling
Front idler wheel, disassembling
Front idler wheel, installing
Front idler wheel, removing
Fuel filter element, changing
Fuel filter element, replacing
Fuel system, bleeding 1
Fuel system, bleeding 2
Fuel system, bleeding
Fuel water separator, draining 1
Fuel water separator, draining
Fuel water separator, replacing
Gear pump, installing
Gear pump, removing
Greasing, daily
Guide roller, assembling
Guide roller, disassembling
Guide roller, installing
Guide roller, removing
Health hazards with paint, plastics and rubber
Hydraulic cylinders, checking
Hydraulic oil charge filter, replacing
Hydraulic oil level, checking
Hydraulic oil return filter, replacing
Hydraulic oil tank breather filter, replacing
Hydraulic oil tank, draining 1
Hydraulic oil tank, draining
Hydraulic oil tank, filling 1
Hydraulic oil tank, filling
Hydraulic oil tank, installing
Hydraulic oil tank, removing
Hydraulic oil, changing
Hydraulic pressure, testing
Hydraulic return filter, replacing
Hydraulic screen filter adapter, replacing
Hydraulic service procedures
In-line fuel filter, changing
Loader arm lift cylinder, installing
Loader arm lift cylinder, removing
Loader arm, installing
Loader arm, removing
Main control valve, installing
Main control valve, removing
Maintenance service, daily
Maintenance service, every 50 hours
Maintenance service, every 500 hours
Maintenance service, every 1000 hours
Maintenance service, every 1500 hours
Maintenance service, every 2000 hours
Radiator and coolers, cleaning
Rear door, installing
Rear door, removing
Rear idler wheel, assembling
Rear idler wheel, disassembling
Rear idler wheel, installing
Rear idler wheel, removing
Rubber track, inspecting
Rubber track, installing
Rubber track, removing
Rubber track, repairing
Safety concerns everybody!
Safety when handling oil and fuel
Safety when handling the machine
Safety when lifting and supporting the machine
Safety when working with batteries
Self level valve, replacing
Service and Maintenance Introduction
Service position
Spark arrester, cleaning
Starter motor, installing
Starter motor, removing
Starter motor, testing
Stop pad, adjusting
Track frame, installing
Track frame, removing
Track tension, adjusting
Track tension, checking
Transmission pump, adjusting
Transmission pump, installing
Transmission pump, removing
Window pane, installation
Window pane, removal
yre, replacing
Service Bulletins
Air conditioning charge weights
Bucket, not level
Cab door leak
Cab gas strut configuration
CareTrack Telematics system
Cleaning of engine compartment
ECU trouble shooting
Front Stop Pad and Centering Cup Shimming
Fuel sampling, method
Gauge to check attachment fitting
Improved Cab Door Sealing
Improved ignition switch
Improved lap bar
Improved top glass skylight seal
Left Hand Armrest Rotation
Loader Arm Shimming
New joystick stud with 25 angle
New Magnetic Flywheel Speed Sensor
New Skid Steer Loader models
Oil ejected from exhaust system
Optional precleaner available
Paint fade and or color differences
Poor window adhesive
Rapid Assembly Hoses
Reporting of accidents and incidents
Reporting of product misuse & near-miss report
Required parts for C Series SSL service tool
Revised software for enhanced drive response
Small platform loader and transmission setup
Straight line travel adjustment
Tilt cylinder rod scoring
Top Window Leak
Updated Boom Guide and Stop Block
Volvo Product incidentN accident report & Interview Form
Wind screen washer bottle leaks
Window cracks and or breaks
Special tool catalog
1. Enviroment and Safety equipment
2. Measuring equipment
3. Tightening and Loosening tools
4. Lifting equipment
5. Pullers and Pressing equipment
6. Drifts
7. Guide pins and Guide sleeves
8. Pliers
9. Fixtures
10. Tech Tool
11. Spare parts
Air conditioning, specifications
Boom suspension system (BSS) valve block, specifications 1
Boom suspension system (BSS) valve block, specifications
Boom suspension system accumulator (BSS), specifications
Charge pump, specifications 1
Charge pump, specifications
Conversion tables
Coolant, specifications
Electrical system, specifications
Engine, specification 1
Engine, specification
Engine, specifications 2
Engine, specifications
Fuel, lubricant and filling capacities
Fuel, specifications
Hydraulic connections, tightening torques
Hydraulic cylinders, specifications
Hydraulic return line filter, specification
Hydraulic tank, specifications
Lights, specifications
Loader pump, specifications 1
Loader pump, specifications
Main control valve, specifications 1
Main control valve, specifications
Main valve block, specifications
Positional adapters
Push lock fittings
Quick release couplings 1
Quick release couplings
Radio, specifications 1
Radio, specifications 2
Radio, specifications
Rapid assembly fittings
Recommended lubricants
Return line filter, specifications
Self levelling valve, specifications 1
Self levelling valve, specifications
Thread locking compound, application specifications
Tightening torque, specifications
Transmission pump, specifications 1
Transmission pump, specifications
Time Guide Currrent generation
Time Guide Old generation
Time Guide Previous generation



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