Programming EPS Control Module of the BMW 520i 2013
Programming Process:
Step 1: Connect the software to the car and select to the EPS system and select Display fault memory to check for errors.
Step 2: Select Vehicle management -> Control Unit Replacement -> After Replacement. Select electromechanical power steering system and select Display measures plan to go to the next step.
Select "Calculate measures plan" to continue the process.
Select "Execute measures plan" to continue the process.
The message appears to turn off all the loads on the car and click "Continue" to continue the process
The message appears the conditions to be prepared to perform the Programming carefully reads the notification and checks the condition of the vehicle and presses "Continue" to continue the process.
The software is performing the installation process
Programming process completed
Step 3: Perform the "Tech-in end stop" process. Select EPS: Tech-in end stop -> Execute service function.
Select "Continue" to continue the process
Message "The software end stops of the electromechanical power steering are correctly taught-in. No further measure must be performed" the End-stop position has been learned correctly and no further measurement is required. Select "No, do not perform a new teach-in process" and click Continue to finish the process.