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Volvo Wheel Loader L120F Service and Repair Manual​

Model: Volvo L120F Wheel Loader
Brand: Volvo
Type of Machine: Wheel Loader
Type of Manual: Hydraulic and Electrical Diagram, Service and Repair Manual
Language: English
Format: PDF
Size: 319.88 MB
Number of Pages: 5152 Pages

1 Volvo L120F
Accelerator Pedal
Air cleaner, description
Air conditioning, description
Automatic differential brake, Limited Slip, description
Basic checks
Battery disconnector switch, description
Boom Suspension System, component description
Boom Suspension System, description
Booting sequence
Brake accumulator, description
Brake system, component location
Braking system, description
Bus communication supervision
CareTrack W-ECU, description
Central lubrication system, description 1
Central lubrication system, description
Central valve, description
Change of lubrication interval
Charging of batteries
Climate control unit ECC, description
Collection of basic data
Connectors, overview
Control valve, description
Cooling fan motor, description
Cooling fan, component location
Cooling fan, description
Cooling system, description
Diagnostic tools, description
Differential lock, description
Dosage valves, description
Drive axles, description
Electric welding
Electrical system, description
Electrical system, work instructions
Electronic control system, description
Engine control unit E-ECU, description
Engine, description
Error codes, showing
Filling lubricant
Fire suppression system, component description
Fire suppression system, functional description
Floating position, description
Foot brake valve, description
Frame joint, description
Frame, description
Fuel consumption
Fuel control valve (FCV), description
Fuel feed pump, description
Fuel filter, description
Fuel rail, description
Fuel system, description
General fault diagnosis information
Hand Throttle
High pressure fuel pump, description
Hydraulic attachment bracket, description
Hydraulic oil tank, description
Hydraulic pump flow regulation, description
Hydraulic pumps, description
Hydraulic system and component positions
Hydraulic system, description
Hydraulic transmission, description
Information display, service
Injectors, description
Instructions for working with electronic fuel injection
Instrument control unit I-ECU, description
Instrument panels
Intake and exhaust system, description
Intercooler, description
Intermittent wiper and washer
Internal Exhaust Gas Recirculation (IEGR), description
Lead and connector checks
Lift function, description
Lighting, description
Limp Home
Lubricating system, description
Machine hours
Middle instrument panel with warning lights
Parameter settings
Parking brake, description
Pause heater, description
Pause heater, description]
Preheating, description
Pressure monitor, description 1
Pressure monitor, description
Pump unit, description
Reduced computer communication
Reversible cooling fan, description
SAE error codes, translation to error messages, general
Shift valve, description 1
Shift valve, description
Software parameters, description
Software, description
Software, parameter settings and read-outs
Steering cylinder, description
Steering system, component location
Steering system, description
Steering valve, description
Tech Tool, operations
Theft protection
Tilt function, description
TP-Linkage's bearing points
Transmission, component position
Travelling speed
Troubleshooting strategy
Troubleshooting tools
Troubleshooting, air conditioning unit (AC)
Turbocharger, description
VCADS Pro service tool
Vehicle control unit V2-ECU, description
Vehicle control unit V-ECU, description
Viscous cab suspension, description
Washer fluid level
Windows, general
Working hydraulic system, component location
Working hydraulic system, function description
Working on the electrical system of the machine
Explanations to hydraulic diagram
Hydraulic diagram transmission
Hydraulic diagram, complete 1
Hydraulic diagram, complete 2
Hydraulic diagram, complete
Table of contents, wiring diagrams
Wiring diagram 201
Wiring diagram 202
Wiring diagram 203
Wiring diagram 204
Wiring diagram 205
Wiring diagram 206
Wiring diagram 301 1
Wiring diagram 301
Wiring diagram 302 1
Wiring diagram 302
Wiring diagram 302-2
Wiring diagram 303
Wiring diagram 304
Wiring diagram 305
Wiring diagram 306
Wiring diagram 308
Wiring diagram 309
Wiring diagram 310
Wiring diagram 311
Wiring diagram 311-1
Wiring diagram 311-2
Wiring diagram 312
Wiring diagram 313
Wiring diagram 314
Wiring diagram 314-1
Wiring diagram 315
Wiring diagram 316
Wiring diagram 317
Wiring diagram 319
Wiring diagram 401
Wiring diagram 402
Wiring diagram 403
Wiring diagram 403-1
Wiring diagram 404
Wiring diagram 407
Wiring diagram 408
Wiring diagram 501
Wiring diagram 501-1
Wiring diagram 601
Wiring diagram 601-1
Wiring diagram 602
Wiring diagram 602-1
Wiring diagram 604
Wiring diagram 801
Wiring diagram 802
Wiring diagram 804
Wiring diagram 804-1
Wiring diagram 805
Wiring diagram 805-1
Wiring diagram 806
Wiring diagram 806-1
Wiring diagram 807
Wiring diagram 901
Wiring diagram 901-1
Wiring diagram 902
Wiring diagram 902-1
Wiring diagram 903
Wiring diagram 904
Wiring diagram 908
Wiring diagram 909
Wiring diagram 910
Wiring diagram 911
Wiring diagram 912
Wiring diagram 912-1
Wiring diagram 913
Wiring diagram 915
Installation Instructions
3rd hydraulic function, electric-hydraulic, installing new
3rd hydraulic function, installing new
Attachment locking, installing new
Attachment work light, installing new
Automatic lift arm lowering (Return to dig), installing new
Axle oil cooler and reversilble fan, installing new
Boom suspension system, installing new
Cab, air pre cleaner, installing new
Care track
Engine heater, installing new
Forward view camera, installing new
Front view mirror, installing new
Fuel filter extra, installing new
Hand throttle, instaling new
Lever steering (CDC), electric, installing new
Lever steering (CDC), hydraulic, installing new
Oil-bath air cleaner
Pre-cleaner oil-bath type
Protection for lighting, front, installing new
Radiator grill guard, installaing new
Rear view camera, installing new
Rotating beacon, installing new
Single lever control, installing new
Work light front, installing new
3rd 4th hydraulic function, checking and adjusting pressure
3rd 4th hydraulic function, solenoid valve, replacing
3rd-4th hydraulic function, shock valve, checking
Accumulator removed, checking charging pressure
Accumulator removed, checking
Accumulator, boom suspension system, discarding
Accumulator, check
Accumulator, checking (pressure back-up for servo circuit)
Accumulator, discarding
Air mix door actuator, replacing
Attachment locking, functional check
Automatic lubrication pump unit, reconditioning
Axle suspension, replacing bushes and seals
Axle, installing
Axle, removing
Back-up valve, checking and adjusting
Back-up valve, replacing
Batteries, replacing
Battery condition, check
Bleeding air
Boom suspension accumulator, check and adjusting
Boom suspension accumulator, reconditioning
Boom suspension system, hydraulic oil pressure in accumulators, depressurizing
Boom suspension system, pressure reduction, safety valve, checking and adjusting
Boom suspension system, test drive with load
Brake disc, replacing 1
Brake disc, replacing rear
Brake disc, replacing
Brake discs, measuring wear
Brake pedal, adjusting angle
Brake piston, replacing seals 1
Brake piston, replacing seals rear
Brake piston, replacing seals
Brake system, bleeding
Brake system, check and adjusting pressure in circuit
Brake system, checking function, hydraulic
Brake system, checking function, retardation
Cab, installing 1
Cab, installing 2
Cab, installing
Cab, removing 1
Cab, removing 2
Cab, removing
Carbon dioxide in coolant system, checking
Carbon dioxide in fuel system, check
Central valve, installation
Central valve, removal
Climate unit, installing
Climate unit, removing
Comfort drive control (CDC), angle sensor, changing
Comfort drive control (CDC), solenoid valve, changing
Comfort Drive Control, servo pressure, checking
Compression test 2
Compression test
Compressor, replacing incl draining and filling
Condenser, replacing incl draining and filling
Control valve, installation
Control valve, removal
Cooling fan hydraulics, funktion check
Cooling fan motor, replacing
Crankshaft, replacing front oil seal
Differential lock, adjusting
Differential lock, function check
Door lock cylinder, replacing
Door lock, changing'
ECC control unit, replacing 1
ECC control unit, replacing
ECC, MID 146, changing non-programmed ECU
ECC, MID 146, changing pre-programmed ECU
E-ECU, MID 128, changing non-programmed ECU
E-ECU, MID 128, changing pre-programmed ECU
Engine hood, installing
Engine hood, removing
Engine rotation speed sensor, replacing
Engine, installing 1
Engine, installing
Engine, removing 1
Engine, removing
Error codes when calibrating hydraulic
Error codes when calibrating steering
Error codes when calibrating
Evaporator, replacing incl draining and filling 1
Evaporator, replacing incl draining and filling
Expansion valve, replacing incl draining and filling
Fan control valve, installing
Fan control valve, removing
Fan control valve, seal replacement
Fan motor, replacing
Feed pump, checking feed pressure
Fire suppression system, actions after activation
Fire suppression system, actions after manual activation
Fire suppression system, component location
Foot brake valve removed, reconditioning
Foot brake valve, installation
Foot brake valve, removal
Front wheel, installation
Front wheel, removal
Fuel control valve (FCV), checking
Fuel control valve (FCV), replacing
Fuel filter, checking
Fuel rail pressure sensor, replacing
Fuel system, bleeding
Fuel tank, installing
Fuel tank, removing
Heat control valve, replacing
Heater core, replacing 1
Heater core, replacing
High pressure fuel pump, checking
High pressure fuel pump, replacing
Hub reduction, installing 1
Hub reduction, installing
Hub reduction, removing 1
Hub reduction, removing
Hub, replacing seal 1
Hub, replacing seal
hydraulic function, solenoid valve, replacing
Hydraulic oil tank, vacuum-pumping, connecting and disconnecting pump
Hydraulic power control valve, replacing
Hydraulic pump P1 and P2, checking function
Hydraulic pump P1, installation
Hydraulic pump P1, removal
Hydraulic pump P2, installation
Hydraulic pump P2, removal
Hydraulic pump P3, installation
Hydraulic pump P3, removal
Hydraulic pump, checking and adjusting max working pressure 1
Hydraulic pump, checking and adjusting max working pressure
Hydraulic pump, checking and adjusting standby pressure and working pressure
Hydraulic pump, checking and adjusting standby pressure
Hydraulic pump, power control checking
Hydraulic system, bleeding
I-ECU, MID 140, changing non-programmed ECU
I-ECU, MID 140, changing pre-programmed ECU
Injectors, replacing all 1
Injectors, replacing all
Lever steering (CDC), functional check
Lift cylinder, repacking in machine
Lift lower, angle sensor, changing
Lift, functional check
Lift, solenoid valve, changing
Lifting time, checking 1
Lifting time, checking
Lower, solenoid valve, changing
Lubrication oil pressure, checking with pressure gauge
Maintenance service, daily
Maintenance service, every 50 hours
Maintenance service, every 250 hours
Maintenance service, every 500 hours
Maintenance service, every 1000 hours
Maintenance service, every 2000 hours
Maintenance service, every 4000 hours
Maintenance service, every 6000 hours
Mechanical release of parking brake
Operator's seat, securing
Parking brake, function checking
Parking brake, replacing discs and seals
Pressure relief valve (PRV), checking
Pressure relief valve (PRV), replacing
Pump 3 (P3) standby pressure, checking and adjusting (LS-line removed)
Pump 3 (P3), max pressure and fan speed, checking and adjusting
Radiator, installing
Radiator, removing
Rear wheel, installing
Rear wheel, removing
Receiver, replacing incl draining and filling 1
Receiver, replacing incl draining and filling
Seal for rear output shaft, replacing
Secondary steering pump, checking and adjusting working pressure
Servo accumulator, installation
Servo accumulator, removal
Servo pressure, checking and adjusting
Servo pressure, checking at the spool in control valve 1
Servo pressure, checking at the spool in control valve
Servo valve, adjusting control
Servo valve, installation
Servo valve, removal
Shift valve, checking
Shift valve, installing
Shift valve, removing
Shock valve lift function, checking 1
Shock valve lift function, checking
Shock valve, tilt function, checking
Side window, replacing
Stall speed, checking
Steering cylinder removed, reconditioning excl replacing bearings
Steering cylinder, installing
Steering cylinder, removing
Steering cylinder, repacking
Steering system, checking and adjusting working pressure
Steering valve, replacing
System test
Temperature sensor cooling system, replacing
Tilt cylinder, repacking in machine
Tilt in out, angle sensor, changing
Tilt in, solenoid valve, changing
Tilt out, solenoid valve, changing
Tilt, functional check
Transmission oil pressure, checking 1
Transmission oil pressure, checking
Transmission oil pressure, checking2
Transmission pressure sensor, replacing
Transmission solenoid, replacing
Transmission, calibration
Transmission, installing
Transmission, removing
Turbocharger, inspection
Update of automatic lubrication system
V2-ECU, MID 249, changing non-programmed ECU
V2-ECU, MID 249, changing pre-programmed ECU
Valves, adjusting
VCADS Pro, Operations
V-ECU, MID 187, changing non-programmed ECU
V-ECU, MID 187, changing pre-programmed ECU
Viscous cab suspension, changing one unit
Warranty inspection 100 hours
Warranty inspection 1000 hours
Windscreen, replacing
CE-marking, EMC-directive
Checking function
Checklist after a fire or heat exposure
Environmentally safe handling
Fire prevention measures
Health hazards with paint, plastics and rubber
Safety concerns everybody!
Safety when handling accumulators
Safety when handling oils and fuel
Safety when handling the machine
Safety when lifting and supporting complete machine
Safety when using lifting equipment
Safety when working on hydraulic systems 1
Safety when working on hydraulic systems
Safety when working with air conditioning refrigerant
Safety when working with batteries
Service position 1
Some simple rules regarding tyre handling 1
Some simple rules regarding tyre handling
Starting with booster batteries
Waste handling
Working under raised boom
Service Bulletins
AC compressor, fill with oil
Action to be taken in case of abnormal lubricating oil consumption
Air bleeding of the central lubrication system
Air in fuel system
Air leaks at fuel feed pump
Alternative lubricants for axles with wet brakes
Automatic greasing systems of foreign manufacture
Automatic shifting (APS)
Automatic transmission lubricants
Battery and alternator test procedure
Boom Suspension System connection change
Cable harness connector, engine
Cables cut under operator seat
CareTrack, new software update 2008.3.0, including new Conversion kit part numbers for E series haulers and F series loaders
CDC function, disengaging
CDC-system, product improvements
Central lubrication 1
Central lubrication, oxide on pins
Central lubrication
Central valve, replacing priority spool
Changed fastening of manifold insulation
Changes to turbo wastegate linkage
Cleaning of the machine
Comfort Drive Control (CDC)
Connector protection for axle oil temperature sensor
Control measurement for electric servo lever and tilt lift angle sensor
Corrosion in wastegate actuator
Cranking problems
D- arm cracks
D6 D7 Exhaust gas leakage into the cooling system
D6E and D7E, high pressure pipe leakage
DEF AdBlue AUS32 sampling, method
Diesel fuels - quality and function
Discontinued recommendation for usage of anti-corrosion agent in cooling system
ECU improvements
ECU, functional check
ED-paint added in exterior parts
Engine coolant expansion tank
Erroneous signal from accelerator pedal
Error code, check
Exhaust insulation
Exhaust leakage into fuel system D6-D7
Fire suppression system
Fork arms, information warranty matters, altered procedures
Fuel pump (Tier 3) manufacturing process improvement
Fuel sampling, method
Ghost codes for F-series wheel loaders
Greasing of hydraulic pump drive shaft
Heater element
Heater unit, external leakage
Heating core for cab heating
Hydraulic oil cooler
Improved hour recorder
Improved oil cooler housing
Improved routing of steering cylinder hoses
Improved turbo oil return pipe and clamp
Improved wiper motor 1
Improved wiper motor
Incorrect symbol on lever carrier casing
Injector yoke bolt
Inoperative audible reverse alarms
Instructions for crack in lifting frame
Instructions for drilling in ROPS structure
Instructions for shielded metal arc welding
Introduction of new climate unit, HVAC II
Introduction of protective plate over fuel tank
Lamp bracket with rubber suspension
Leakage at engine oil pump gasket 1
Leakage at engine oil pump gasket
Leaking cab heating element
Limitation, TP-linkage
Loctite added on plugs and cartridges on BSS-valve
Longer hose
Loose seat base
New AC compressor
New accelerator pedal with gold plated terminals
New angle sensor installation for CDC
New angle sensor installation, lift and tilt function
New angle sensor kit introduced
New BSS valve
New cab heater element
New CareTrack W-ECU2
New condenser
New engine oil level sensor
New front and rear axles introduced
New gas strut for cab door
New gear lever combi-switch
New hydraulic pump
New location for fuel filter assembly
New locking cylinder kit
New main control valve with integrated BSS-connection ports
New reverse alarm
New sensor and new sensor installation
New software update 2011.3.0 for CareTrack
New software version 2008.6.0 and 2008.6.1
New software version 2012.3.0
New software version V2011.4.1
New sound absorbers
New steering valve
New switch for attachment lock
New system design to meet revised ISO 15998
New temperature sensor
New turbo with improved waste gate design
New type of axle oils
New V-ECU and V2-ECU
New wiper arm and wiper motor
Non - VCE buckets and attachments
Oil analyses
Oil sampling, method
Operator adaptation of electric servo lever functions with VCADS Pro
O-ring with improved fit between hydraulic pump and transmission
Parameter changes in VCADS Pro
Parking brake solenoid valve
Parking brake switch
Problems with leaking test port hoses
Quality of illustrations in technical reports
Radio band setting
Rear vision system - activation of operator menu
Recommendations for Oil Sampling Intervals
Reinforced attachment bracket
Repair instructions for attachments
Repair report for central lubrication pumps
Reporting of product misuse & near-miss report
Return to dig, lifting arms lowering positioner
Reversible fan causing error codes
Rust on fenders
Sensor, check
Service solution, separate belts
Shaking or vibration in the working hydraulics
Software parameters, description
Software release summary WLO F-models
Springs and plugs for main control valve
Thermostat failure (D4, D5, D6 & D7)
Transmission components
Transmission, introduced actions
Troubleshooting hydraulic pumps
Turbo hose routing considerations
Turbo Hot Shutdown
Tyres, various types
Updates on turbocharger
Warning decals
Water intrusion in cab
Windshield guard interferes with nipple
Special tool catalog
1. Enviroment and Safety equipment
2. Measuring equipment
3. Tightening and Loosening tools
4. Lifting equipment
5. Pullers and Pressing equipment
6. Drifts
7. Guide pins and Guide sleeves
8. Pliers
9. Fixtures
10. Tech Tool
11. Spare parts
Alternator 80 A, specification
Battery, specifications
Battery, weight
Boom Suspension System, specifications
Boom Suspension System, tightening torques
Brake accumulator, specifications
Brake system, specifications
Brake valve, tightening torques
Cab, tightening torque
Control valve, lever steering (CDC), specifications
Control valve, specifications
Conversion tables 1
Conversion tables
Cooling system, volume
Electrical system, specifications
Engine, capacities
Engine, specifications
Engine, tightening torques
Engine, weight
Frame, tightening torque
Front and rear axles, specifications
Front and rear axles, tightening torque
Front and rear axles, volume 1
Front and rear axles, volume
Fuel feed pump, specifications
Fuel system, specifications
Fuel system, tightening torques
Fuel tank, volume
Hydraulic connections, tightening torques
Hydraulic pump (P1), specifications
Hydraulic pump (P2), specifications
Hydraulic pump (P3), specifications
Hydraulic system, volume
Hydraulic transmission, specifications
Hydraulic transmission, tightening torques
Hydraulic transmission, volume
Lift cylinder, tightening torques
Lighting, specifications
Lubrication system, specifications
Oil sump, tightening torque
Parking brake, specifications
Preheating, specifications
Propeller shaft, tightening torque
Recommended lubricants, oils
Reversible cooling fan, tightening torques
Servo system, specifications
Speed sensor, specifications
Speed sensor, tightening torque
Steering cylinder, tightening torque
Steering, specifications
Temperature limits for cooling fan speed, specifications.
Thermostat, specifications
Tilt cylinder, tightening torques
Turbocharger, tightening torques
Valve system specifications
Wheel brake, specification 1
Wheel brake, specification
Wheel brake, tightening torques
Wheel, tightening torque
Time Guide Currrent generation
Time Guide Old generation
Time Guide Previous generation


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