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History of petrol engines for cars

The history of the internal combustion piston engine starts in 1026 when Al-Jahri describes a mechanism comprising a piston and crankshaft. Engine with ignition or gasoline engine is part of the auto motors family with internal combustion pistons.

Four-stroke internal combustion engine seems to have been invented by Italians Eugenio Barsanti and Felice Matteucci in the years 1854-1857, the invention Patented in London in 1854, was intended for mass-produce and orders for the engine soon followed from many countries within Europe but Barsanti died suddenly and Matteucci was left alone and in under certain circumstances the development of the engine failed.

The second and third patented invention of a piston internal combustion engine with four strokes belongs to Austrian Christian Reithmann in 1860 and French Alphonse Beau de Rochas in 1862.

With few exceptions the invention of the internal combustion piston engine in four-stroke with spark-ignition, in short, gasoline engine, is attributed to Nicolaus Otto. This association was made because Nicolaus Otto was the first to build and use the motor in industrial applications.

Nicolaus Otto was born on June 10, 1832, in the town Holzhausen an der Haide in Germany. The professional activity has begun in areas of trade and business working in Frankfurt and Cologne.

The transition to internal combustion engines did it in Cologne, where he began to research ways to improve Lenoir-cycle engines. The first results were applied in the construction of small industrial engines using gasoline as an energy source.

Karl Benz was the owner of a gas engine plant, designed by a well-known engineer. Mr Benz has dreamed of building a car propelled by an internal combustion engine, but its units, and Otto engines, have proved to be useless for this task.

In 1864, together with Eugen Langen founded the first internal combustion engine factory NA Otto & Cie (now Deutz AG). In 1867 the two won a gold medal at the World Exhibition in Paris for atmospheric petrol engine with four-stroke.

On October 23, 1877 a new petrol engine patent is attributed to Nicolaus Otto along with Francis and William Crossley. Nicolaus Otto’s professional career ended after 1884 when he patented magnetic ignition system operating at low voltages.

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