- If you download this document, you will be lost 2725 Beer

1. Copy the downloaded files into the folder "the C: \ FordEcat \ downloads"
1.1. Who does not update the directory, eg on the home page of the catalog data in the rows "DVD Version" and "Version date" are the same, you need to copy all of the files
1.2. Who directory is already updated, that is, on the home page of the catalog data in the rows "DVD Version" and "Version date" are different, you can copy only the deficient update
1.3. Who updated catalog and is only required to fix the date of issue, that the directory does not swear that it is outdated, on the start page of the catalog in the "Date of release: 0G17G 2026-01-18", you can copy only "Update_date.zip" file
2. Start FordEcat Update (Start -> Programs -> FordEcat -> FordEcat the Update)
3. At the top, select "Client"
4. In the "Track download" check that the specified "the C: \ FordEcat \ downloads"
5. Put a tick "Run edit"
6. Hit "Continue" button
7. We are waiting for completion
8. we press the "Close" button
9. Clear the folder "C: \ FordEcat \ downloads" and "C: \ FordEcat \ unzipped" , this step is optionalAll Now are updates on 01.18.2016 + Fixed a release date of the last update in the database and Ford ECAT no longer complains that it is outdated.