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Volvo Single Drum Compactors SD45 Service and Repair Manual​

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37.56 MB
Machine Type:
Single Drum Compactor

Manual Type:

  • Service and Repair Manual
  • Electrical Diagrams
  • Hydraulic Diagrams

Number of Pages:

  • 3910 Pages
1 Volvo SD45
11668010 Wheel forklift
A few simple safety rules
Air cleaner primary filter, cleaning
Air cleaner system, checking
Air cleaner, installing
Air cleaner, primary filter replacing
Air cleaner, removing
Air cleaner, secondary filter replacing
Air pre-cleaner, installing new
Anti cavatation valve, replacing
Anti vandal kit, installing new
Articulation (Vertical swivel pin), torque 1
Articulation (Vertical swivel pin), torque
Axle breather, cleaning
Axle drive motor, brake release pressure check
Axle hubs, changing oil 1
Axle hubs, changing oil
Axle hubs, checking oil level
Axle oil, checking level
Axle, changing oil 1
Axle, changing oil
Axle, installing
Axle, removing
Batteries, replacing
Battery, cleaning and inspection
Battery, connecting
Battery, disconnecting
Before operating
Before service, read
Belt tension, checking
Blade lift cylinder, description
Blade pump, description
Blade tilt cylinder, description
Brake latching relay, replacing
Brake manifold, brake release pressure check
Brake release valve solenoid, replacing
Brake release valve spool, replacing
Brake shunt servo two way manifold, description
Brake shunt two speed manifold, installing
Brake shunt two speed manifold, removing
Brake valve, description
Carrier bearings, replacing
Carrier breather, cleaning
Carrier seal, greasing
Carrier, installing
Carrier, removing
Charge pressure relief valve, replacing
Charge relief pressure, test
Charging batteries
Checklist after a fire or heat exposure
Cleaning engine compartment
Cleaning of the machine
Collection of basic data
Component list, Diodes
Component list, Instruments
Component list, Lights 1
Component list, Lights
Component list, Miscellaneous
Component list, Motors
Component list, Relays
Component list, Solenoid valves
Component list, Sounders
Component list, Switches
Conversion tables
Coolant level, checking
Coolant mixture
Coolant quality, checking
Coolant Temperature Indicator
Coolant, changing
Cooling fan, installing
Cooling fan, removing
Cooling package, installing
Cooling package, removing
Cooling system integrity, checking
Critical mounting torques
Description, complete machine
DI3602, description and measuring
DI4401, description and measuring
Diesel fuels - quality and function
Drive motor, installing
Drive motor, removing
Drum bolt-on shell option, installing
Drum carrier, changing oil 1
Drum carrier, changing oil
Drum carrier, checking oil level
Drum drive motor, case drain flow measuring
Drum drive motor, description
Drum drive motor, replacing
Drum eccentric, changing oil
Drum eccentric, checking oil level
Drum eccentric, description
Drum frame, installing
Drum frame, removing
Drum shock mount, replacing
Drum, installing
Drum, removing
Eccentric shaft coupling, replacing
Electrical system
Electrical troubleshooting
Engine mounts, replacing
Engine oil level, checking
Engine speed control, mechanical basic setting
Engine, description
Engine, removing
Environmental handling for the future
Fan belt and or alternator belt, checking and adjusting tension
Fuel filter, replacing 1
Fuel filter, replacing 2
Fuel level sender, replacing
Fuel sampling, method
Fuel tank, installing
Fuel tank, removing
Fuels, lubricants and filling capacities (litres)
General fault diagnosis information
GRD G700B LabourTimeGuide Old version
G700B Labour Time Guide Foreword.pdf
Health hazards with paint, plastics and rubber
Hydraulic connections, tightening torques
Hydraulic diagram 2
Hydraulic diagram
Hydraulic oil dye
Hydraulic oil filter, changing
Hydraulic oil suction strainer, cleaning
Hydraulic oil tank, changing oil and filter incl. cleaning tank
Hydraulic oil tank, draining
Hydraulic oil tank, filling
Hydraulic oil tank, installing
Hydraulic oil tank, removing
Hydraulic oil tank, vacuum-pumping, connecting and disconnecting pump 1
Hydraulic oil tank, vacuum-pumping, connecting and disconnecting pump
Hydraulic oil, specifications 1
Hydraulic oil, specifications
Hydraulic pump, installing
Hydraulic pump, removing
Inside scrapers, installing new 1
Inside scrapers, installing new 2
Inside scrapers, installing new 3
Lead and connector checks 1
Lead and connector checks 2
Loop flushing valve cartridge, replacing
Low voltage
Lubricant specifications and service interval changes
Lubrication and oil system, general specifications 1
Lubrication and oil system, general specifications
Lubrication and service chart
MA3301, description and measuring
MA4212, description and measuring
MA7701, description and measruing
Maintenance service, daily
Maintenance service, every 50 hours
Maintenance service, every 250 hours
Maintenance service, every 500 hours
Maintenance service, every 1000 hours
Maintenance service, first 50 hours
Maintenance service, general
Measuring symbols, description
Neutral safety switch, adjusting
Neutral safety switch, replacing
Neutral start diode, replacing
New TechTool VCADS Pro interface
Operator's platform, lowering
Operator's platform, raising 1
Operator's platform, raising
Oscillation (Horizontal swivel pin), torque 1
Oscillation (Horizontal swivel pin), torque
Paint and Finish
Parking brake pressure switch, replacing
Parking brake, check
Parking brake, description
Portable refillable O-ring kits
Power port, installing new
Power relay, replacing
Propel system relief pressure, check
Propulsion control cable, replacing
Propulsion control lever, replacing
Propulsion control lever
Propulsion pump bypass valve, replacing
Propulsion pump function valve, replacing
Propulsion pump, case drain flow measuring
Propulsion pump, description
Pump coupling, installing
Pump coupling, removing
PWM4202, description and measuring
Radiator and coolers, cleaning
RE2502, description and measuring
RE3301, description and measuring
RE5502, description and measuring
Rear axle drive motor, description
RM Compaction ABG Time Guide Old
Drive system
RM Compaction Time guide old version
Drive system
RM Paving Systems ABG Time Guide Old
Drive system
ROPS (Roll Over Protection), installing
ROPS (Roll Over Protection), removing
Safety concerns everybody!
Safety when handling oil and fuel
Safety when handling the machine
Safety when lifting and supporting the machine
Safety when working with batteries
Seat timer circuit, description
Seat, replacing
Service position
Servo shunt valve solenoid, replacing
Servo shunt valve spool, replacing
Silencer, replacing
Smooth drum scrapers, replacing
Special tool catalog
1. Enviroment and Safety equipment
2. Measuring equipment
3. Tightening and Loosening tools
4. Lifting equipment
5. Pullers and Pressing equipment
6. Drifts
7. Guide pins and Guide sleeves
8. Pliers
9. Fixtures
10. Tech Tool
11. Spare parts
Special tools recommendations
Start circuit, description
Starter relay, replacing
Steering cylinder pins, greasing
Steering cylinder, description
Steering cylinder, replacing
Steering pump, description
Steering pump, installing
Steering pump, removing
Steering system, description
Steering valve, description
Steering valve, replacing
Strike off blade, 2-way, installing new
SW2701, description and measuring
SW5501, description and measuring 1
SW5501, description and measuring
Swivel joint (horizontal and vertical) pins, greasing
Swivel, installing
Swivel, removing
Tandem pump, description
Thermal bypass valve, description
Thermal bypass valve, replacing
Thread locking compound, application specifications
Throttle control assembly, replacing
Throttle control cable, replacing
Tightening torque, specifications 1
Tightening torque, specifications 2
Time Guide Currrent generation
Time Guide Old generation
Time Guide Previous generation
Torque hub, installing
Torque hub, removing
Traction control valve, description
Traction relief pressure valve, replacing
Traction valve flow divider, replacing
Traction valve, installing
Traction valve, removing
Travel system, hydraulic components, description
Troubleshooting, general
Tyres, checking pressure 1
Tyres, checking pressure
Vibration control valve solenoid, replacing
Vibration control valve spool, replacing
Vibration hydraulic circuit, description
Vibration motor, description
Vibration motor, installing
Vibration motor, removing
Vibration pump function valve, replacing
Vibration pump, description
Vibration system pressure, measuring
Volvo Product incident accident report & Interview Form
Wheel nuts, check torque
Wheel, removing and fitting one
Wiring diagram 1
Wiring diagram 2
Wiring diagram 3
Wiring diagram 4
Wiring diagram 5



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