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Volvo Excavator ECR145C L Service Repair Manual​

Model: Volvo ECR145C L Excavator
Brand: Volvo
Type of Machine: Excavator
Type of Manual: Service Repair Manual, Wiring Diagram
Language: English
Format: PDF
Size: 63.11 MB
Number of Pages: 1523 Pages


2 stage port relief valve, adjustment
2 stage port relief valve, description
2 stage port relief valve, disassembly
3 way selector valve, description
11 666 140 Multimeter
999 0014 Adapter cable
999 0025 Adapter cable
999 0062 Extension cable
999 3893 Adapter cable
999 3894 Template
999 8699 Multi-pin breaker box
8883 0028 Adapter cable
Accumulator, replacing
Adjustable boom cylinder, description
Adjustable boom, description
Air conditioning unit, description
Air conditioning unit, maintenance
Air distribution, description
AL3201, description and measuring
Alternator, description
Alternator, replacing incl function check
Alternator, test
Arm holding valve, description
Arm holding valve, disassembly
Arm parallel conflux changeover valve, disassembly
Arm parallel conflux check valve, disassembly
Arm regenerating valve, description
Arm regenerating valve, disassembly
Audio remote controller, description
Auto Manual pump control switch, description
Auxiliary start
BA3101, description and measuring
Basic check, Engine
Batteries, checking charging capacity
Batteries, replacing
Battery, charging
Battery, description
Battery, storage
Biodegradable hydraulic oil
Blade Lift Cylinder - Installation
Blade Lift Cylinder - Removal
Blower motor
Boom 2 conflux shut-off valve, disassembly
Boom back pressure check valve, disassembly
Boom float position, description 1
Boom float position, description
Boom float position, hydraulic circuits
Boom holding valve, description 1
Boom holding valve, description
Boom holding valve, disassembly 1
Boom holding valve, disassembly
Boom lifting cylinder, description
Boom regenerating check valve, disassembly
Boom regenerating valve, description
Boom, description
Boom, installation
Boom, removal
Boom, replacing
Boost control, description
Booting sequence
Bottom roller, description
Bottom roller, measurement of wear
Bottom roller, replacing one
Bucket assembly, installation
Bucket assembly, removal
Bucket assembly, replacing
Bucket cylinder, description
Bucket cylinder, installation
Bucket cylinder, removal
Bucket cylinder, replacing
Bucket flow control valve, description
Bucket flow control valve, disassembly
Bucket operation
Bucket regenerating valve, description
Bucket regenerating valve, disassembly
Cab filter, replacing
Cab suspension, description
Cab, installing
Cab, removing
Camshaft and flywheel signals, checking with VCADS Pro and oscilloscope
Camshaft, description
Carbon monoxide in fuel system, check
CareTrack Telematics system
CareTrack W-ECU, description
CareTrack, new software version 2008w6
CE-marking, EMC-directive
Center bypass valve, disassembly and assembly
Center passage, assembly
Center passage, description
Center passage, disassembly
Center passage, inspection and troubleshooting
Charge air cooler connection (hose, tube), replacing
Charge air cooler, description
Charge air system, inspection
Charging, description
Check valve, description
Checking and Adjusting procedure
Checklist after a fire or heat exposure
Cigar lighter and ashtray change
Circuit breaker, description
Cleaning of the machine
Cleaning prior to repair
Coasting left and right slew
Collection of basic data
Communication with data buses
Component descriptions
Component designations
Component list Alternator, batteries, capacitors, electronic units, voltage outlet
Component list Control lights warning lights
Component list, Fuses
Component list, Heating coils
Component list, Lights
Component list, Miscellaneous
Component list, Motors
Component list, Relays
Component list, Sensors
Component list, Solenoid valves
Component list, Switches
Component locations 1
Component locations
Component troubleshooting, checking component
Component troubleshooting, checking subsystem (circuit)
Component troubleshooting, checking wiring harness and input output on ECU
Component troubleshooting, structure, description
Compressor, replacing incl draining and filling
Condenser, replacing incl draining and filling
Conflux check valve, disassembly
Connecting rod, description
Connecting special tools
Connectors, overview
Control levers, description
Control lockout lever switch, description
Control lockout lever switch, replacing
Control pattern selector valve, description
Control pattern selector valve, hydraulic circuits
Control system diagram
Control types for X1 and X3 operation
Control units changing, precaution
Control units, changing
Coolant with freezing and corrosion protection
Coolant, changing
Coolant, checking anti-freeze resistance
Cooler and Heater assembly, installation
Cooler and Heater assembly, removal
Counterweight, fitting
Counterweight, removing
Crankshaft, description
Creeping of hydraulic cylinder
CU9901, description and measuring
Cylinder block, description
Cylinder head gasket, description
Cylinder head, description
Cylinder speed
Cylinder, description 1
Cylinder, description
Cylinder, troubleshooting
Data buses, function
DC–DC converter, description
Defroster actuator, replacing
Description, general
Diesel coolant heater (5kw), description
Diesel coolant heater (5kw), principles
Diesel fuels - quality and function
Digging unit, maintenance
Dipper arm cylinder, description
Dipper arm cylinder, installation
Dipper arm cylinder, removal
Dipper arm cylinder, replacing
Dipper arm, description
Dipstick level gauge improvement for swing gearbox
Display unit, content
Dozer blade cylinder, description
Dozer blade, description
ECC control unit, replacing 1
ECC control unit, replacing 2
ECC control unit, replacing
ECU, functional check
E-ECU, MID 128, changing non-programmed ECU
E-ECU, MID 128, changing pre-programmed ECU
Electric horn improvement
Electric horn, description
Electrical cables and connectors, checking
Electrical distribution box 1
Electrical distribution box
Electrical symbols and designations
Electrical system, description
Electrical system, special instructions for servicing, action when working on machine
Electrical system, special instructions for servicing, electrical components, alternator and charging regulator
Electrical system, special instructions for servicing, electrical components, batteries
Electrical system, special instructions for servicing, electronic components
Electrical system, special instructions for servicing, general
Electrical system
Electro hydraulic pump control, description
Electronic climate control unit ECC, description 1
Electronic climate control unit ECC, description 2
Electronic climate control unit ECC, description
Electronic control system, description
Emergency engine speed control switch, description
Emergency operation, description
Engine - Pump control, specification
Engine characteristic curve
Engine control unit E-ECU, function description
Engine mounting
Engine Protection
Engine speed control switch improvement
Engine speed control switch, description
Engine speed control switch, inspection
Engine starting in the manual mode
Engine system
Engine timing gear, description
Engine, changing oil and filter
Engine, description
Engine, identification
Engine, tightening torques
Environmental handling for the future
Environmentally hazardous fluids
Environmentally safe handling
Error code information, description
Error code information, general
Error codes, build-up
Evaporator, replacing incl draining and filling
Examples, hydraulic system
Examples, power transmission
Exhaust pipe, flexible tube, replacing
Exhaust system, description
Expansion tank, changing
Expansion valve, replacing incl draining and filling 1
Expansion valve, replacing incl draining and filling 2
Explanation of wiring diagrams
Explanations to hydraulic diagram
Fan belt and or alternator belt, replacing
Fan belt and or alternator compressor belt, replacing all belts
Fan motor, assembly
Fan motor, description
Fan motor, disassembly
Fan motor, replacing
Fan motor, tools
Fan motor, troubleshooting
Fan pump, description
Feed pump, checking feed pressure
Feed pump, replacing
Fire prevention measures
Flow control valve, description
Flow control valve, disassembly and assembly
Front idler, replacing one
FU6, description and measuring
FU18, description and measuring
FU26, description and measuring
Fuel control valve (FCV), description
Fuel feed pump, description
Fuel filler pump, description
Fuel filling pump, installing
Fuel filter extra, replacing
Fuel filter, check
Fuel filters, replacing
Fuel pump (Tier 3) manufacturing process improvement
Fuel pump, inspection
Fuel rail pressure sensor, replacing
Fuel rail pressure, checking
Fuel return pressure, checking
Fuel system, bleeding
Fuel system, description
Fuel tank, description
Fuse, description
General, precautions
Hammer and shear selector and shuttle valve, description
HE2501, description and measuring
Health hazards with paint, plastics and rubber
Heater core, replacing
Heating system, description
Heat-resistant kit for RCV leakage
High pressure fuel pump, checking
High pressure fuel pump, replacing
Horn, replacing
Hoses and tubes
Hour counter improvement
Hour counter, description
HVAC system 1
HVAC system
Hydraulic circuits, ports
Hydraulic components, description
Hydraulic components, storage and transport
Hydraulic cylinders, dieseling
Hydraulic diagram ports, standard
Hydraulic diagram ports, with option components
Hydraulic diagram, schematic
Hydraulic diagram, standard
Hydraulic diagram, with option components
Hydraulic oil cooler, description
Hydraulic oil cooling system, description
Hydraulic oil tank, changing breather filter
Hydraulic oil tank, changing oil
Hydraulic oil tank, description
Hydraulic oil tank, return oil filter change
Hydraulic oil tank, vacuum-pumping, connecting and disconnecting pump
Hydraulic oil, description
Hydraulic oil, storage and handling
Hydraulic oil
Hydraulic pump coupling, description
Hydraulic pump, description
Hydraulic quickfit, description
Hydraulic system flushing method
Hydraulic system, cleanliness when handling hydraulic components
Hydraulic system, description
Hydraulic system, position of main components
Hydraulic system, repair of hydraulic components in workshop
Hydraulic system, work instructions
Hydraulic system
Hydraulic tank air breather
Idler, assembly
Idler, description
Idler, disassembly
Idler, measurement of wear
I-ECU, MID 140, changing non-programmed ECU
I-ECU, MID 140, changing pre-programmed ECU
Improved Volvo quick-fit block
Improvement of return check valve
Injector, replacing one
Injectors, description
Injectors, replacing all
Inlet system, description
Instructions for working with electronic fuel injection
Instrument control unit I-ECU, function description
Instrument control unit I-ECU, specifications
Instrument ECU change
Instrument ECU Improvement
Instrument panel, replacing (left)
Instrument panel, replacing (right)
Instruments and controls, front instrument panel
Instruments and controls, left instrument panel
Instruments and controls, overview
Instruments and controls, rear instrument panel
Instruments and controls, right instrument panel
Intake actuator, replacing
Intercooler, replacing
Keypad, description 1
Keypad, description
Leakage at engine oil pump gasket
Line rupture valve (arm), description
Line rupture valve (arm), troubleshooting
Line rupture valve (boom), description
Line rupture valve (boom), troubleshooting
Line rupture valve relief pressure, adjustment
Link, description
Load check valve – single, disassembly and assembly
Lubrication oil pressure, checking with pressure gauge
Lubrication point change on swing bearing
Lubrication system, description
Lubrication system, principle of operation
MA2301-MA2304, description and measuring
MA2602, description and measuring
MA4216, description and measuring
MA9103, description and measuring
MA9104, description and measuring
MA9105, description and measuring
MA9106, description and measuring
MA9107, description and measuring
MA9109 Quickfit solenoid valve, description
MA9109, description and measurement
MA9116, description and measuring
MA9117, description and measuring
MA9118, description and measuring
MA9120, description and measuring
MA9166, description and measuring
Machine model
Main control valve, description
Main relief valve, adjustment
Main relief valve, assembly
Main relief valve, description
Main relief valve, disassembly
Main spool, disassembly and assembly
Main switch, replacing
Maintenance service, according to display message
Maintenance service, as required
Maintenance service, daily
Maintenance service, every 50 hours
Maintenance service, every 100 hours
Maintenance service, every 250 hours
Maintenance service, every 500 hours
Maintenance service, every 1000 hours
Maintenance service, every 2000 hours
Maintenance service, every 4000 hours
Maintenance service, every 6000 hours
Measurement conversion tables
Measuring condition
Measuring of slew bearing clearance
Measuring symbols, description
Measuring, general
Menu tree
MO3301, description and measuring
Mode (foot) actuator, replacing
Mode selection, description
Modification of CareTrack wire harness
Mounting Bolts for the roof hatch and anti-vandal box
New engine oil level sensor
New oil change interval for Volvo bio hydraulic oil
New product 1
New product 2
New product
New software 1
New software 2
New software 3
New software release 1
New software release 2
New software update 2010.3.0 for CareTrack
New software, V-ECU
Oil analyses
Oil cooler fan motor, replacing
Oil cooler fan pump, replacing
Oil cooler, replacing
Oil level gauge, replacing
Oil level sensor, changing
Oil sampling, method
Oil sampling, sampling points
Oil sump, description
Overload warning device, description
Overload warning device, operation
Pipe and hose (pump - valve), replacing
Piston cooling
Piston rings, description
Pistons, description
Plastic shims for Boom Arm pin joints
Poor straight travel operation
Pop-up screen
Port relief valve pressure, adjustment
Port relief valve pressure, measuring and adjusting
Port relief valve, description
Port relief valve, disassembly and assembly
Portable refillable O-ring kits
Power transmission, description
PPID1336, description and measuring
Preheating coil, replacing
Pressure accumulator, description
Pressure sensor
Pressure testing
Product plates
Proportional relief valve, description
Proportional solenoid valve, description 1
Proportional solenoid valve, description
Proportional solenoid valve, measuring and adjustment
Proportional solenoid valve, troubleshooting
Pump regulator, replacing
Pump, assembly
Pump, disassembly
Pump, maintenance standard
Pump, tools
Pump, troubleshooting
PWM2303, description and measuring
PWM9101, description and measuring
PWM9102, description and measuring
PWM9103, description and measuring
Quick fit control, description
Quickfit, installation
Quickfit, removal
Radiator hose upper, replacing
Radiator hoses lower, replacing
Radiator, replacing
Radio with CD and MP3 player, description
Radio with tape player, description
Radio, description
Radio, replacing
Receiver, replacing incl draining and filling
Recoil spring package rod
Recommended lubricants
Regulator, description
Regulator, disassembly and assembly
Relay, description
Remote control valve (dozer blade), description
Remote control valve (Lever), assembly
Remote control valve (Lever), description
Remote control valve (Lever), disassembly
Remote control valve (Lever), maintenance standard
Remote control valve (lever), replacing
Remote control valve (Lever), troubleshooting
Remote control valve (pedal), assembly
Remote control valve (pedal), description
Remote control valve (pedal), disassembly
Remote control valve (pedal), maintenance standard
Remote control valve (pedal), replacing
Remote control valve (pedal), troubleshooting
Replacement parts
Reporting of accidents and incidents
Reporting of product misuse & near-miss report
Reversible cooling fan, description
Reversible fan, modes and setting
Rotating beacon lamp, tightening torque
Rotating beacon, description
Rotating beacon, replacing
Rotator (X3 Line option), description
Rotator pump, description
Rotator valve, adjustment
Routine for return of technical goods
Routines for reporting cracks on Boom and Arm
Rubber pads
Rupture valve, replacing (boom cylinder)
Rupture valve, replacing (dipper arm cylinder)
SAE code, conversion for component designation, E-ECU
SAE code, conversion to component designation, ECC
SAE code, conversion to component designation, I–ECU
SAE code, conversion to component designation, V-ECU
SAE J1708 1587 information link, description and measuring
SAE J1939 CAN control link, description and measuring
Safety concerns everybody!
Safety rules when servicing
Safety when handling oils and fuel
Safety when handling the machine
Safety when servicing
Safety when using lifting equipment
Safety when working with air conditioning refrigerant
Safety when working with batteries
Safety when working with hydraulic systems
Selection of track shoes
Service connection and programming connection
Service methods
Service mode
Service positions
Servo hydraulic block
Servo hydraulic pressure, adjustment
Servo pump, description
Shuttle valve block, description
Silencer, replacing
Slew brake, description
Slew gearbox, assembly
Slew gearbox, description
Slew gearbox, disassembly
Slew gearbox, lubrication
Slew gearbox, maintenance standard
Slew gearbox, troubleshooting
Slew motor gearbox, changing oil
Slew motor relief valve, replacing
Slew motor, adjustment
Slew motor, assembly
Slew motor, description
Slew motor, disassembly
Slew motor, lubrication and air purging
Slew motor, principle of operation
Slew motor, troubleshooting
Slew motor, wear and damage limits for repair
Slew priority valve, disassembly
Slew ring gear seals, installation
Slew ring gear, description
Slew ring gear, removal and installation
Slew speed
Software parameters, description
Solenoid valve, description 1
Solenoid valve, description
Solenoid valve, disassembly and assembly
Solenoid valve, inspection
Solenoid valve, replacing
Solenoid valve, troubleshooting
Special tools for troubleshooting
Spring package, assembly dimension
Spring package, assembly
Spring package, disassembly
Sprocket, measurement of wear
Sprocket, replacing one
Standard of the setting pressure
Standard tightening torques
Start lock, description
Start switch, description
Starter motor, description
Starter motor, replacing
Starter motor, tests
Starter relay, replacing
Starter switch (engine start switch), replacing
Starter switch, testing
Starting engine with booster cables
Starting operation
Starting with booster batteries
Straight traveling performance
Superstructure, installation
Superstructure, removal
Swing motor, improvement
Swing ring gear seal improvement
Swing stop on a slope improvement
SWxxxx, description and measuring
Theft protection
Thermostat, check
Thermostat, replacing
Tightening torque, specifications
Tools & equipment
Top roller, assembly
Top roller, description
Top roller, disassembly
Top roller, measurement of wear
Top roller, replacing one
Track chain assembly, installation
Track chain assembly, removal
Track chain, description
Track chain, measurement of wear
Track chain, wear limit
Track gearbox, description
Track gearbox, maintenance standard
Track gearbox, precautions for operation
Track gearbox, troubleshooting
Track guard, replacing one
Track link, dimension 1
Track link, dimension 2
Track motor gearbox, changing oil
Track motor relief valve, replacing
Track motor, description
Track motor, precautions for operation
Track motor, troubleshooting
Track recoil spring (tensioner) assembly, replacing
Track running speed
Track shoe, replacing one
Track, adjusting track sag
Travel alarm, description
Travel alarm, replacing
Travel motor auto travel speed shifting malfunction improvement
Travel Speed
Troubleshooting (5kw)
Troubleshooting strategy
Troubleshooting tools
Troubleshooting, diagnosing procedure
Troubleshooting, general
Turbocharger, description
Turbocharger, inspection
Turbocharger, replacing
Undercarriage, description
Valves, adjusting
Valves, description
VCADS Pro service tool
VCADS Pro, 17030-3 - Parameter, programming
V-ECU, MID 187, changing non-programmed ECU
V-ECU, MID 187, changing pre-programmed ECU
Vehicle control unit V-ECU, function description
Vent actuator, replacing 1
Vent actuator, replacing 2
Vibration damper, description
Voltage converter, replacing
Waste handling
Water valve, replacing
Welding on the machine
When using rubber tracks
Windows, general
Windscreen wiper front, replacing motor
Windscreen wiper, replacing controller
Windscreen, replacing
Wireless control unit W-ECU, specification
Wiring diagram 1
Wiring diagram SCH01
Wiring diagram SCH02
Wiring diagram SCH03
Wiring diagram SCH04
Wiring diagram SCH07
Wiring diagram SCH08
Wiring diagram SCH10
Wiring diagram SCH11
Wiring diagram SCH12
Wiring diagram SCH13
Wiring diagram SCH14
Wiring diagram SCH15 1
Wiring diagram SCH15 2
Wiring diagram SCH15 3
Wiring diagram SCH16
Wiring diagram SCH17
Wiring diagram SCH18 1
Wiring diagram SCH18 2
Wiring diagram SCH22
Wiring diagram SCH24
Wiring diagram, electrical distribution box
Wiring diagram
Wiring harnesses
Work lights and extra lights, description
Working in environmentally contaminated areas
X1 control, description
X1 pressure control, description
X1 stop valve
X3 control, description



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