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VAG ODIS-E 18.2.0 Offline without GRP [Full install]
Information software:
Type of Software: Diagnostic software
Brand: VAG
Version: VAG ODIS-E 18.2.0 without GRP
+ Product version: 18.2.0 _031_2-20240704
+ Main feature: 180200.301.30
+ ECF version: 58.7.0
+ VW-MCD version: 23.0.0
+ Automation Interface version: 26.8
+ ODIS-E 18.2.0: about 5GB
Computer Requirements:
+ Free hard disk space: 50 GB or more, standard file system NTFS
+ CPU: Minimum 2GHz recommended
+ RAM: 4 GB or more
+ Operating System: Windows 10
+ The software uses standard windows installation path
+ Installed libraries (DLL) for Redistributable x86 for Microsoft Visual Studio 2019: vcredist_x64.exe
+ Internet Explorer 11.0
+ Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 11 or Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
+ Font,, Arial Unicode MS Regular
+ Version of Java Runtime Environment: Java 8 Update 301
Supported brands:
+ Audi
+ Volkswagen Pkw
+ Volkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge
+ Lamborghini
+ Bentley
+ Bugatti
Supported Hardware:
+ J2534 Passthru
+ VAS 6150
+ VAS 6150A
+ VAS 6150B
+ VAS 6154
+ VAS 6154A
+ VAS 6160