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Can you help me please?
I search for a Pro Version of this nice Tool.
in Web i found online the light Version of this software.
Blackbox Sistemi Automotive
Blackbox Service Historie Manager Editor for BMW
SHM Lite
BMW service history manager lite
the pricing on original HP is to high. and i read that the shop no answer of people was paid.
Thank you, for your Help
I hope, this post, is so corect? please admins... when not corect it please edit it for me. Thanks
Can you help me please?
I search for a Pro Version of this nice Tool.
in Web i found online the light Version of this software.
Blackbox Sistemi Automotive
Blackbox Service Historie Manager Editor for BMW
SHM Lite
BMW service history manager lite

Blackbox: Service Historie Manager Editor - Bimmer Guide
Links:Codierer Ausstattung beachten KEIN VIRUS WIE EINIGE PROGRMME MELDEN Erstellen / Bearbeiten / Löschen einer neuen Historieliste Die Einträge werden mit diesen Tool in richtiger Reihenfolge geschrieben! • Auslesen vom Auto:DIESE OPTION IST NUR IN PROVERSION VERFÜGBARVerbindet sich über...

the pricing on original HP is to high. and i read that the shop no answer of people was paid.
Pricing – BlackBOX Sistemi

Thank you, for your Help
I hope, this post, is so corect? please admins... when not corect it please edit it for me. Thanks